Why Alexis Sanchez is Arsenal's key player

Another summer has come and gone and Arsenal, with all due respect to Lucas Perez, did not buy aggressive class. Many big names have appeared in the press as potential targets, but Wenger did what previous summers: did not buy any of them.
So far this season, but it seems that right did. Alexis Sanchez was invited to fill the gap and become the No.1 striker of Alsace. At the beginning things were not so rosy for the Chilean. At the premiere in Liverpool was disappeared. That afternoon had only 16 passes, of which 12 were striker. A 5 to 8 in the third attack and only 1 in the box. It looked like one of the several failed attempts Wenger over the years to change position in one of his players.

Last, but Sanchez is doing famously and has improved all statistical categories. Now and Score deals assists. The appearance of the Lountogkorets in the Champions League was the best of the season.

The switch at the top of the attack for players like Sanchez are not easy. That is why the Chilean causing admiration with what he does. It has all the elements that make it valuable in the new position.

As it is logical what makes Sanchez is somewhat unorthodox. Has more contact with the ball than with a pure offensive, so defensive opponents be taken by surprise and can not deal with it correctly. The Bulgarians did not know whether to give him space or the play closely.

Finally they did both. There was the top of the field, but was continuous danger. This value does not appear necessarily to his appearance, but by the fact that it allowed his teammates to shine. The Sanchez monopolized the attention of opponents and Special Provisions in the first half the Gouolkto able to exploit the empty spaces.
Here comes the advantage is created by Wenger. A more aggressive static like Ziros for example, can be threatening, but in the end is predictable. Unlike Sanchez, who can do different things.
It is very difficult to defend against Arsenal with Chilean on top. He can keep the ball, to make a frontal attack, dribble, shoot, to passes, play up and back. If stretch all the guns are simply a nightmare for the opponent.

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