New law in New York against Airbnb

The state of New York has positioned itself against Airbnb with the approval of a law that restricts ad apartment rentals for less than one month periods platforms.
Hours after signing it, the company has filed a federal lawsuit against the law stating that the decision will cause them "irreparable harm". And it is that the new regulation will impact directly against the accounts of the company in several ways.
On the one hand, the restriction directly affects the main market is the management company of private rental apartments. Explains The New York Times , it is estimated that Airbnb hosts generated more than 1,000 million dollars last year, of which the platform was left with a lot, as stipulated in its rules.
However, the new regulation New York could be even worse for Airbnb, as a precedent in its relationship with local authorities. And it is that the platform is in a gray area of the law, which are not few cities are beginning to change their local rules to regulate its activity.
Today Airbnb has opened legal proceedings in San Francisco and Santa Monica (California) while also having problems in Amsterdam, Barcelona or Berlin, because its rental system complete apartments outside the law, which New York's decision could put them in a situation complicated viability.
"New York is taking a bold step that is expected to become a standard for the rest of the country and other countries in the world who are fighting Airbnb impact on the housing market," he explained Linda B. Rosenthal, Manhattan Democratic party assemblyman who has covered the bill.
Meanwhile, Peter Schottenfels, company spokesman explained that "as usual, Albany (the state capital) has satisfied backroom special interest in the hotel industry and ignored the voices of tens of thousands of New Yorkers."
Yes you can advertise with tenant
Although the ban on rentals in complete houses less than 30 days and was established in New York, the new law aims to make the regulations are complied and prohibits announce those apartments rent for less than 30 days through platforms such as the Airbnb mentioned, imposing fines of up to $ 7,500.
Yes they can continue advertising, among other things, renting rooms when the owner also remains in the home, which is itself allowed for periods less than one month.
Hours after signing it, the company has filed a federal lawsuit against the law stating that the decision will cause them "irreparable harm". And it is that the new regulation will impact directly against the accounts of the company in several ways.
On the one hand, the restriction directly affects the main market is the management company of private rental apartments. Explains The New York Times , it is estimated that Airbnb hosts generated more than 1,000 million dollars last year, of which the platform was left with a lot, as stipulated in its rules.
However, the new regulation New York could be even worse for Airbnb, as a precedent in its relationship with local authorities. And it is that the platform is in a gray area of the law, which are not few cities are beginning to change their local rules to regulate its activity.
Today Airbnb has opened legal proceedings in San Francisco and Santa Monica (California) while also having problems in Amsterdam, Barcelona or Berlin, because its rental system complete apartments outside the law, which New York's decision could put them in a situation complicated viability.
"New York is taking a bold step that is expected to become a standard for the rest of the country and other countries in the world who are fighting Airbnb impact on the housing market," he explained Linda B. Rosenthal, Manhattan Democratic party assemblyman who has covered the bill.
Meanwhile, Peter Schottenfels, company spokesman explained that "as usual, Albany (the state capital) has satisfied backroom special interest in the hotel industry and ignored the voices of tens of thousands of New Yorkers."
Yes you can advertise with tenant
Although the ban on rentals in complete houses less than 30 days and was established in New York, the new law aims to make the regulations are complied and prohibits announce those apartments rent for less than 30 days through platforms such as the Airbnb mentioned, imposing fines of up to $ 7,500.
Yes they can continue advertising, among other things, renting rooms when the owner also remains in the home, which is itself allowed for periods less than one month.
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