Greenpeace criticizes Greek government

Greenpeace, with communication, condemns the attitude of the Greek government on the ratification of the CETA agreement between the EU and Canada, which was confirmed by Finance Minister C.. Stathakis, at today's meeting of the Special Committee of the House on transatlantic agreements.
As pointed out by the organization, none of the dangers that brings the agreement is not limited. Urges, in fact, the Greek government to change its stance and vote against the ratification of the interpretative declaration of the agreement at the extraordinary Board of Trade Ministers on 18 October.
"Mr. Stathakis considers the interpretative declaration of CETA significantly improves the content and resolves important issues at stake. Furthermore, it recognizes benefits for the Greek economy, as for shipping and investment. H interpretative declaration, however, leaked yesterday, includes no provision to shift targeting agreement to promote the interests of multinationals in the defense of democracy and civil rights ", Greenpeace said.
"No agreement designed behind closed doors and for multinational and sacrificing acquired rights of civil society, can have positive or improvements could be last minute. The Greek government can still say no to CETA. Mr. Stathakis must choose whether to be minister or minister of the Greek multinational "said Natalia Tsigarida responsible campaign against TTIP, CETA and TiSA the Greek office of Greenpeace.

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