Elite Groups

At the robust hands hold the fate of the world. Strong lobby, mystical castes power clubs. Every historical event and a demonstration of their conspiracy. The Homme kept his composure.
They know the future better than anyone-is also the same people who prepare it. Twists, dichotomies, wars, the fall of the Wall, the rise of oil -aprosdokita for many events; it is for them too the result of long, organized manipulation. Parties, movements, elections are just to keep up appearances. All are motivated, but so well designed to look completely natural. Meet with the utmost secrecy in isolated hotels in stately halls historic buildings decorated with heraldic symbols and kept by small private armies. Behind closed doors. The only way to inform the public what is really happening there is to indulge in apocalyptic labors of conspiracy theorists that although circulating freely and profusely by the central bookstores until the last provincial channel, the publishers insist characterize "forbidden" ...
What no one learns from these books? First of all, that all these circles promote conditions that serve their interests. What connects their members is not some ethnikothriskeftiki conspiracy theory as liquid runs communicating vessels, but the prominent economic, business, political and social power they have and want to maintain and increase. The fulfillment of this pursuit is so necessary for survival leads deterministically to the formation of power elite and pressure groups. Somewhat thus created the most prominent of them: The Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, the Jewish lobby, the Vatican ...
It took its name from the hotel that hosted the first meeting. A smiling magiatiki day of 1954 found 120 of the most powerful people of the Western world in the east of Holland, near Arnhem. Most politicians met to see how they would face the clouds of anti-Americanism that had begun to gather over the Western European societies and how will synesfingan relations of their countries, namely Western Europe, US and Canada. Since then, the Club reunited every year for a four-day, each time in another country and city -the 1993 in Vouliagmeni. The agenda shall be based on the news, with the target culture close relations in economy, politics and culture remain timeless. The Club consists of a few-organizing committee, also a lean core historical-members which gives the "present" in each congregation-and his guests, invited by the two previous groups.
The total number of participants is usually between 120 and 130, with 2/3 coming from the Old Continent andthe third from North America. From Greek side have occasionally participated prime ministers, party leaders, prominent politicians and some businessmen. Although unproven, it is certain that the presence at these meetings gives big boost in each of these career. Examples are dozens. Within a few years, MPs were ministers, prime ministers, state governors and leaders of the world hitherto obscure businessmen took over the helm of large companies, organizations etc. For this reason, the call to someone to attend usually interprets that are chosen and the so-called "World Government" and proaleifetai for the highest office. The agenda of the issues officially been released by the club, but not the positions stated. The official reason for this is that the purpose of the gatherings is to foster closer relations and exchange without a strict protocol and other restrictions.
tripartite Commission
In 1973, a distinguished member of the Bilderberg pioneered the creation of the Trilateral Commission (Trilateral Commision): The David Rockefeller. The three parts are actually the US, Europe and Japan, and its purpose is the development of mutual interest activities in strategic policy and economic relations. Liberalism, globalization of markets, international trade, democracy, the need for continued reforms are some of the constants of the Commission's objectives, which annually publishes reports and recommendations on issues considered beyond national sovereignty and require collaborative action the large countries.
They meet once a year alternately in three geographical areas and the work taking place on the 350 prominent businessmen, politicians, intellectuals, headed actors, media, non-governmental organizations. Besides the off the record, in order to maintain the informal nature of the Commission, when a member of the government undertakes tasks, losing membership. Several times recommendations of the committee have been adopted by the major countries and this is sufficient to cause the "fire" of the critics.
Jewish Lobby
Lobby there are many, but none like this. The influence of the US not disputed by critics to characterize the state within a state. Although the Jewish community in the US represents only about 2% of the population, the force is extremely great. This is due to two main reasons: the enormous economic power of the members and the considerable number of Jewish Americans elected to Congress or appointed to senior government positions.
The main exponent of the lobby is the famous A.I.P.A.C (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), which since 1950 consistently working to strengthen relations between the two countries (I.P.A.- Israel). It describes itself as a national movement with roots in American society, with over 100,000 members. He cooperates with both the democratic and the republican party, always with the interests of Israel and is funded solely by donations. Apart from the access - interventions in the American power system A.I.P.A.C performs important educational project by providing its members with arguments - "shields" to repel the accusations flung opponents.
Theoretically, the power is not on this world. The Christian teaching considers incompatible exercise political power by the representatives of God and the penalties for their clergy which comes the sin of taking cosmic tasks arrive until launching. "You can not serve two masters at the same time" is the spirit, but absent from church practice (at least the last twelve centuries). Rather it is difficult to leave untapped the terrible and awesome power that offers the ability to manage the metaphysical anguish of people.
The power of the Church not only stems from the full pool of believers religion is concerned, but also based on assets, laws and customary law, which have created interdependence with the State. The phenomenon of mixing of church leadership in policy has been dubbed "papokaisarismos" and many times has gotten wild forms, "tying hand and" even emperors, causing bloodshed, in a wild game of power distribution, without humility and conciliation disposal. Blessed are strong.
The Eastern Church was left out of this logic, but makes a much lesser extent, less organized than the coveted Vatican, the head of which is accepted everywhere with head of state prices. The Vatican, after all, is a state, with its own judiciary, bank, guard, ministers, ambassadors, flag, anthem and other cosmic force elements. The permanent apologetic refrain Eastern Church to justify interference in the political happenings are bad times to lead a nation at times. However, this does not seem to be always true.
And the list does not end here. Masonic lodges, design institutes, pools, business lobby, do what they can for even more power and influence. The Masonry, or otherwise tectonism, beyond any philosophical and religious origins, for those higher education and social position. The Rotarians the Lions in middle-class layers, while the business lobby (petroleum, tobacco, automotive, beverage, weapons) involve the guild regardless of origin. For particularly distinguished people are the Illuminati, the enlightened Rodostaftoi and others who constantly pray for a little more power.
Two things are remarkable in all these phyla: First, the full implementation in practice of mutual aid. The development of personal relationships between members is encouraged and forged through regular meetings. Secondly, segmentation (segmentation), because even the galleries have their target group. And in the meantime, every day that passes is a great opportunity to find even more power ...
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