German Minister s lies

German finance minister, insists on tough stance and the idea that Greece's problem is not the high debt, but the low productivity and lack of competitiveness as described in asking Greece to accelerate reforms.

What prompts that are to continue Greece to aim high annual surpluses which will enable repayment of loans, but also will continue to strangle the Greek economy with high taxes, which dispels any likelihood of growth and exit from the crisis.

What matters above all the German Minister, it is not to be clipped into debt, which would result in losses for the already troubled German banks, although it hurt the Greek economy and society that has lifted the weight of the entire EU on the backs of .

The cold IMF economists, for their own interests of course disagree with Schaeuble, recognizing the unsustainability of the Greek debt and pointing in the direction of mowing.

Greek politicians on the other side either by the government or the opposition, rather than speak openly about the objectives of Minister German and explain publicly what he seeks, keep passivity and justifying its positions, waiting even after all these years European crisis and poor policy a clasp to make their piece inside.

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